Testimonials For Birth And Postpartum

Jules was instrumental in making my pregnancy as comfortable as possible. She was always available when we needed her and went above and beyond to ensure that we had everything we needed. She provided valuable information about childbirth, helped us develop a birth plan, and coached us through some of the more challenging aspects of pregnancy.
During labor, Jules was a calming presence who provided unwavering encouragement and support. She was there every step of the way, offering emotional support, and advocating for me when needed. Even during a prolonged labor that resulted in an unplanned c-section, she was a strong and supportive presence who helped us navigate the experience with grace.
After the birth of our daughter, Jules continued to provide invaluable support during the first few weeks of my postpartum period. She helped cook healthy meals for me and my family, gave massages to me and the baby, took care of our daughter when we needed rest, supported my lactation journey with her expertise, and provided much-needed emotional support and community as we adjusted to our new lives as parents.
Jules is an exceptional doula who has helped us navigate one of the most transformative experiences of our lives. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a supportive and experienced doula.
Thanks to Jules, my first childbirth became a beautiful experience of learning my own power, getting closer with my life partner, and finding joy and possibility in the face of fear.
As I began my third trimester, I was feeling increasingly worried about being in a hospital setting for the childbirth, and concerned about how to handle my phobia of needles and my distrust of the medical industry. From our initial phone call, Jules provided the informed perspectives and wisdom that I needed; she listened attentively to understand my priorities and preoccupations, validated my feelings, and gently guided me towards a more positive framing of the moment. Through our prenatal visits, Jules equipped me to be the leader in my pregnancy journey. She showed me activities I could do independently to prepare myself physically for the labor, and also taught me ways to harness my mental strength and expand what I previously thought I was capable of. She engaged my partner fully in our conversations and exercises, ensuring that he had space to participate and ask all questions he had as well. We loved her advice on things we could do to bond around this special moment in our lives. Her recommendations helped us improve our communication so that we could be an effective team both during the labor and beyond it, as parents for a newborn child.
During the birth, Jules’ support was invaluable. I don’t want to imagine what it would have been like without her massages, her guidance on positioning, and her encouraging words! Throughout the process, Jules’ presence was steadily caring, calm, and confident. She’s an expert in holistically assessing your current state, and providing tangible ideas and hands-on support to help you advance through physical pain and discomfort. My partner and I feel lucky that we were able to have the unmedicated birth that I had hoped for, but we feel that Jules’ presence would have buoyed us through any other kind of outcome too.
At our last postpartum visit, Jules gave us useful tips and techniques around breastfeeding and dealing with engorgement. It meant a lot to have her thoughtful check-ins - and her expressions of care for our baby and our whole family (including our cat!) - during a time when we could have been overwhelmed by so much change. My partner and I feel it was a gift to be ushered into a new era of our life by Jules, and we wholeheartedly recommend her doula services to others. Jules, we adore you! Jess, Geo & Ocean

Juliet is an amazing doula and lactation consultant, whom I highly recommend. I have been planning a natural, no medication, no epidural birth, and I don't think I could have done it without Juliet.
She proved close support and guidance via phone and chat through early labor and arrived by my side as the contractions became more severe and frequent. She provided massage, positioning and touch support, made sure I stayed well hydrated and so much more. She just knew what I needed without me having to say a word. She even braided my hair so I had one less thing to worry about.
Juliet stayed with me at the hospital during the birth, making sure I was in a comfortable position, providing touch and encouragement.
My husband loved Juliet as well. Her knowledge and confidence was very reassuring. Without Juliet's support, I genuinely believe I would have gone to the hospital, and gotten an epidural. I am deeply grateful to Juliet and my husband for the support to get me through this.
Juliet 是一位很熟练的导乐和哺乳顾问,我强烈推荐她。我一直在计划自然分娩、不用药、不硬膜外分娩,如果没有Juliet,我认为我不可能做到。

We contacted Juliet for the birth of our second child, I had a bad reaction to the epidural for my first child, so wanted to do my second delivery without an epidural and wanted support. From the initial intake call through delivery and follow-up visits, Juliet was the perfect balance of nurturing and professional. She has a way of being authentic and straightforward while also being kind and receptive. She incorporated my partner, who felt supported so that he could support me and the baby after delivery. I wasn’t sure how my OB practice would receive having a doula there, but Juliet’s approach worked beautifully- she balanced advocating for my needs and the realities of a clinical/hospital setting. My labor stalled at one point, and I would have lost my nerve to go through without an epidural had it not been for Juliet’s guidance, intuition and confidence in me. Recommend Juliet to anyone looking for holistic support through the labor and delivery process, no matter how you decide to go through with it. She’s really good at what she does and I’m so glad she was there for one of the biggest, most empowering times of my life the birth of my daughter!

I ,Fatou, is a 41 African woman who luckily by my 3 pregnancy got Juliet as my Doula! She came to assist me on my surgery date as I notice a Doula number on a flier while in the waiting room for my sonogram. I was told that because my baby have too much fluid around him at 36 weeks I need surgery right away! I called her the same day to introduce myself and later called her again to to give her the information for my surgery! She came with a positive energy and support and ease my husband’s mind so he could to go back home to check on the others kids! She was very helpful-she care-she assist me at the my hospital. My baby latched on right away. She came for postpartum visits of up to 21 hours attend to my needs-at home with my swollen feet, my eighteen months old daughter, breast and stress mind!She is great! Being around her is a joy! I wish I know her earlier during the pregnancy to be only if it more of her positive energy because I needed that daily! Thanks for your support!God bless you! All the best! Ndeye Fatou Fall Diop